Friday, September 7, 2018

I Guess I Should Explain

Okay, so maybe this is a bit weird? Let me start with housekeeping then.

First, here's a link to the original "The Southpaw" blog. Blogger won't let me access it for reasons I'm too simple to sort out. Consider it, if you will, my archive. Secondly then, why are we back here (so to speak)? Well, frankly, I'm busier than ever writing for three other bogs (one of them not sports related) plus spending entirely too much time engaging for the things I believe in across various platforms and, on rare occasion, writing for my OTHER personal (non-sports) blog.

But for all that, there are Blue Jays related things that rattle around in my head that are not really suited for the brand of the other blogs I write for. This isn't something that bothers me, mind you, take for example prospect ranking. A very great many of us non-professional types who still follow things on the farm passionately have our own ideas about how the prospects should be ranked. I'm no fool, I know very clearly that there's no real reason for you to consider my preferred rankings as even in the same hemisphere with seasoned scouts and professionals like John Sickels or Kieth Law Jim Callis. But still, I make that list anyway and if you make one you kinda have an itch to say "hey y'all, what do you think of my list?" There's limited satisfaction in having a list only you see. But that aside, there's no logical reason why BP, for example, would want to publish MY stat-scouted list as if it has any credibility alongside those of people who do this for a living.

I'm sure you'll see, over time, what I mean. If something ends up here it's basically vanity, my desire to publish something that I know full well is not suited to the more professional sites that I contribute to.

So here's my introduction to The Southpaw 2.0. A vanity project with randomly added content. Maybe some of it will be interesting to you, and it doesn't mean there's any change in the things I write elsewhere.

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